
The innovative solution of VoiceIt

By engaging institutions such as elected officials, LGBTQI+ organizations, politics and government representatives in a constructive dialogue in the decision-making process regarding LGBTQI+ rights and LGBTQI+ individuals motivated to participate in the political discourse, VoiceIt aims at increasing the participation and the direct involvement of LGBTQI+ individuals in the political decision making, creating a more inclusive vision of their rights.

VoiceIt aims at:

Contributing to the inclusion of
LGBTQI+ individuals in the political decision-making process
Co-creating a shared vision
regarding LGBTQI+ inclusion in politics
Increasing LGBTQI+’s participation
in political decision-making
Strengthening national/international networks
for LGBTQI+ individuals interested
in participating in the political decision making process

Raising the awareness of political parties and bodies regarding the importance of promoting gender equality with a focus on LGBTQI+.

How VoiceIt will succeed?

By developing National reports regarding the misconceptions and needs about LGBTQI+ rights.

By setting-up National Priority Working Groups to create a shared vision of the foreseeable future of LGBTQI+ rights.

By developing a LGBTQI+ Rights Information Program for civil society, state/governmental officials and representatives of political institutions

By developing a LGBTQI+ Rights Empowerment Program for LGBTQI+ individuals, advocates of LGBTQI+ rights and other relevant professionals

By organizing LGBTQI+ Rights Information & Empowerment Seminars

By organizing empowerment
for relevant stakeholders