If you are a LGBTQI+ individual or a member of LGBTQI+ organization, feel free to contact us to attend our LGBTQI+ Rights Empowerment Seminars
Any interested party can participate
in our Empowerment activities
(debates; electronic LGBTQI+ activism workshops, LGBTQI+ Activism, Technology and Arts workshops).
The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) undertakes research and policy analysis on the social dimensions of contemporary development issues. With its cutting-edge research and autonomous status in the United Nations system, UNRISD aims to ensure that social equity, inclusion and justice are central to development thinking, policy and practice and to delivering on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
UNRISD is involved horizontally in all project activities.
Anziani e non solo (ANS) is a non-profit organization established in 2004 and currently employing a group of ten professionals from different backgrounds. They are located in Northern Italy and working at national level in pilot and research projects on the topics of equal opportunity, antidiscrimination and social inclusion, as well as in training and educational programmes addressed to vulnerable target groups and professionals working in the social sector. ANS is registered as a social research institution, is a member of the Italian Antidiscrimination Network and of the Italian Inventory of Organizations Working with Migrants and as a training provider at the Italian National Board of Social Workers. ANS believes in networking and is active in national and international networks.
ANS is responsible for the Multi actor cooperation through national and international exchange, including the National Priorities Working Groups. Also it is involved horizontally in all project activities.
Η ACCEPT είναι η μοναδική εγγεγραμμένη ΛΟΑΤΙ οργάνωση στην Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία, με σκοπό την προστασία, την διεκδίκηση, και την προώθηση των θεμελιωδών δικαιωμάτων των ΛΟΑΤΙ ατόμων. Υπάρχει από το 2009 και εγγράφηκε επίσημα το 2011. Η οργάνωση έχει πάνω από 800 εγγεγραμμένα μέλη, από τα οποία 320 είναι ενεργά. Οι κύριοι τομείς δράσης της είναι: προώθηση και κοινωνική ευαισθητοποίηση για τη ΛΟΑΤΙ κοινότητα, προώθηση νομοθετικών αλλαγών που να συμπεριλαμβάνουν τους ΛΟΑΤΙ, καθώς και στήριξη της κοινότητας.
Η ACCEPT έχει την ευθύνη για το Πρόγραμμα Πληροφόρησης και Ενδυνάμωσης για τα ΛΟΑΤΙ δικαιώματα, και εμπλέκεται οριζόνται σε όλες τις δράσεις του έργου.
KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre, situated in Athens, is a non profit organization with long-lasting experience in supporting vulnerable groups. Alongside with direct provision of Social services (mental health, trafficking, bullying, employment/poverty) its expertise pertains to design and implementation of impactful and innovative social initiatives in the areas of Education, Human Rights, Employment, Care & Wellbeing and to Scientific research and development of know-how in social policy issues, aiming at building resilient communities with equal opportunities for all. KMOP’s vision is a world that rests on integrity, sustainable growth and individual well-being.
KMOP is the Project Coordinator of VoiceIt and responsible for the identification of the misconceptions about LGBTQI+ rights and for the dissemination and communication activities of the project.
L’Istituto di ricerca delle Nazioni Unite per lo sviluppo sociale (UNRISD) intraprende ricerche e analisi politiche sulle dimensioni sociali delle problematiche dello sviluppo contemporaneo. Con la sua ricerca all’avanguardia e lo status autonomo nel sistema delle Nazioni Unite, l’UNRISD mira a garantire che l’equità sociale, l’inclusione e la giustizia siano fondamentali per il pensiero, la politica e la pratica dello sviluppo e per realizzare l’agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile.
UNRISD è coinvolto orizzontalmente in tutte le attività del progetto.
ACCEPT è attualmente l’unica organizzazione LGBTI registrata a Cipro con l’obiettivo di proteggere, far valere e promuovere i diritti fondamentali delle persone LGBTI. Esiste dal 2009 ed è stata ufficialmente registrata nel settembre 2011. L’organizzazione ha oltre 800 membri di cui 320 membri attivi. I suoi principali campi di azione sono: la promozione e la sensibilizzazione della comunità LGBTI nella società e la promozione del cambiamento della legislazione in modo inclusivo per le persone LGBT, nonché il sostegno alla comunità.
ACCEPT è responsabile del programma LGBTQI+ “Diritti, informazione e empowerment”, mentre è coinvolto orizzontalmente in tutte le attività del progetto.
Anziani e non solo (ANS) è un’organizzazione no-profit fondata nel 2004 e attualmente impiega un gruppo di dieci professionisti di diversa estrazione. Hanno sede nel Nord Italia e lavorano a livello nazionale in progetti innovativi e di ricerca su temi riguardanti le pari opportunità, antidiscriminazione e inclusione sociale, nonché in programmi di formazione e istruzione rivolti a gruppi vulnerabili e professionisti che lavorano nel settore sociale. ANS è registrata come istituto di ricerca sociale, è membro della Rete italiana antidiscriminazione e dell’inventario italiano delle organizzazioni che lavorano con i migranti e come fornitore di formazione presso il Consiglio nazionale degli assistenti sociali. ANS crede nella creazione di reti ed è attiva nelle reti nazionali e internazionali.
ANS è responsabile della cooperazione tra i diversi attori attraverso scambi nazionali e internazionali, compresi i gruppi di lavoro sulle priorità nazionali. Inoltre è coinvolta orizzontalmente in tutte le attività del progetto.
KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Center, ha sede ad Atene, Grecia, ed è un’organizzazione senza scopo di lucro con una lunga esperienza nel supporto ai gruppi vulnerabili. Oltre alla fornitura diretta di servizi sociali (nel campo della salute mentale, del traffico di esseri umani, bullismo, occupazione e povertà), le sue competenze riguardano la progettazione e l’attuazione di iniziative sociali innovative capaci di creare un impatto nei settori dell’istruzione, dei diritti umani, dell’occupazione, dell’assistenza e del benessere e della ricerca scientifica e dello sviluppo del know-how in materia di politica sociale, con l’obiettivo di costruire comunità resilienti con pari opportunità per tutti. La visione di KMOP è un mondo che si basa su integrità, crescita sostenibile e benessere individuale.
KMOP è il coordinatore del progetto VoiceIt ed è responsabile dell’identificazione degli stereotipi sui diritti LGBTQI+ e delle attività di diffusione e comunicazione del progetto.
The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) undertakes research and policy analysis on the social dimensions of contemporary development issues. With its cutting-edge research and autonomous status in the United Nations system, UNRISD aims to ensure that social equity, inclusion and justice are central to development thinking, policy and practice and to delivering on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
UNRISD is involved horizontally in all project activities.
ACCEPT is currently the only registered LGBTI organisation in Cyprus aiming at protecting, asserting and promoting the fundamental rights of LGBTI people. It exists since 2009 and was officially registered in September 2011. The organization has over 800 registered members of which 320 are active members. Its main fields of action are: promoting and bringing awareness of the LGBTI community in society, and advocating for changing the legislation in an LGBT-inclusive way, as well as supporting the community.
ACCEPT is responsible for the LGBTQI+ Rights Information and Empowerment Programme, while it is involved horizontally in all project activities.
Anziani e non solo (ANS) is a non-profit organization established in 2004 and currently employing a group of ten professionals from different backgrounds. They are located in Northern Italy and working at national level in pilot and research projects on the topics of equal opportunity, antidiscrimination and social inclusion, as well as in training and educational programmes addressed to vulnerable target groups and professionals working in the social sector. ANS is registered as a social research institution, is a member of the Italian Antidiscrimination Network and of the Italian Inventory of Organizations Working with Migrants and as a training provider at the Italian National Board of Social Workers. ANS believes in networking and is active in national and international networks.
ANS is responsible for the Multi actor cooperation through national and international exchange, including the National Priorities Working Groups. Also it is involved horizontally in all project activities.
KMOP – Social Action and Innovation Centre, situated in Athens, is a non profit organization with long-lasting experience in supporting vulnerable groups. Alongside with direct provision of Social services (mental health, trafficking, bullying, employment/poverty) its expertise pertains to design and implementation of impactful and innovative social initiatives in the areas of Education, Human Rights, Employment, Care & Wellbeing and to Scientific research and development of know-how in social policy issues, aiming at building resilient communities with equal opportunities for all. KMOP’s vision is a world that rests on integrity, sustainable growth and individual well-being.
KMOP is the Project Coordinator of VoiceIt and responsible for the identification of the misconceptions about LGBTQI+ rights and for the dissemination and communication activities of the project.
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